Return Policy

Fair Return Policy

Every item you order at TeeShirtPalace is crafted individually with care and precision on-demand by hand. This unique approach sets us apart from other e-commerce retailers. Items returned are not restocked on our warehouse shelves because they are uniquely customized and cannot be resold. However, ensuring that you are 100% satisfied with your order is our priority. Hence, you can trust our fair return policy to meet your needs.

30-day Return Guarantee

Any order over $100 cannot be returned & can only be exchanged

Simply return your product within 30 days of your receipt date. If it doesn’t fit or you don’t like it, just email us at or call us Toll Free: 1-844-872-5223. As a print-on-demand provider, we can offer you the following return options:

  • Exchange for a new product or size.
  • There is a 30% restocking fee for items returned
  • Custom orders cannot be returned as they are made to order
  • Customer is responsible for sending the return back to TeeShirtPalace Returns at 21440 Melrose Ave Southfield MI 48075, Just included the reason why. (we do not provide return labels).
  • Order must not be worn, washed, or used, if it is your return will be denied.
  • If you need to exchange it please contact us first DO NOT SEND IT BACK.
  • If your product comes damage, misprinted, or defective please contact us and we will resolve the issue for you at no extra cost, please DO NOT SEND IT BACK TO US.

Easy Returns

Just email us at or call us at 1-844-872-5223

Let us know the reason for your return.

Your return is usually being processed within 7 business days.

What happens to returns?

Each product you purchase from us is exclusively unique and will not be resold. Rest assured, returned items are treated with care and are not discarded or wasted.

Donation: TeeShirtPalace ensures that all returned items, as well as any products with misprints or production errors that don’t meet our quality standards, are donated. We do not resell any returned or imperfect items, choosing instead to contribute them to meaningful causes.

You can cancel your order as long as the order has not been process in production, unfortunately if it reach the printing step in production we cannot cancel but we can treat it like a return with a re stocking fee or do a free exchange at no charge if you need a different size.

Anything purchase at TeeShirtPalace is a unique custom made product and printed just for you.

Email a picture of the defective item to for support!